Tonic Choir Film Club
Next session
Our 17th film is Dog Day Afternoon chosen by TCFC member Katharine. It is is based on a real event and is an interesting spin on a heist movie. IMDB rate it at 8.0 and categorise it as Crime - Drama - Biographical. It stars Al Pacino. We will meet to discuss it (via Zoom) on Tuesday November 14 at the earlier time of 7pm. Future meetings
Second Tuesday of each month as follows: 2023 14 November (at 7pm) 12 December 2024 9 January 13 February 12 March All meetings are on Zoom and usually start at 8pm. |
What is Tonic Choir Film Club?
Each month we pick a film that is highly regarded (suggestions welcome). It has to show a rating greater than 7 on IMDB, have an element of humour and be musically interesting. The film should have some link to Tonic Choir and be available for less than £10 (or so). On the second Tuesday of the following month we meet together at 8pm on Zoom to share our thoughts on the film. Membership of the Club is not restricted to active Tonic Choir members. We do not expect everyone to watch every film. Each film will be on either Netflix, Amazon Prime or BBC iPlayer. For those without the relevant streaming service we will pick films that are available to buy on DVD for a reasonable price. As there will be about 4 weeks to watch the film, it may be possible to share DVDs. Communication (but not comments on the film itself) will be via the Tonic Choir Facebook page. Email contact will be available for those who do not have access to Facebook. SIGNING UP It would be very helpful if everyone could send Philip an email as a way of signing up for the Club. Previous films
2023 October: To Kill a Mockingbird September: The Three Musketeers (1973) August: Testament of Youth July: WALL-E June: Dr. Zhivago May: The Swimmers April: Hobson's Choice March: The King's Speech February: Moonstruck January: The Shawshank Redemption 2022 December: The 39 Steps November: The Tales of Hoffmann October: The Truman Show September: Cinema Paradiso August: Oh, What a Lovely War! July: The Lion in Winter |